Meaning of Life på dansk

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Så er der godt nyt for danske Monty Python fans: Der forlyder rygter om, at "The Meaning of Life" skal nyindspilles i en udgave, der særligt er tilpasset dansk kultur. Sæbekassen har fået fingrene i en del af manuskriptet, der endnu ikke er oversat til dansk. I den pågældende passage diskuterer Mr. Blackitt med sin lidt naive kone om nogle muslimer udenfor, der demonstrerer på grund af nogle tegninger, der har været bragt i en avis.

Mr. Blackitt: Look at them, bloody Moslems, censoring the bloody world with bloody bans they try to bloody pass onto everyone bloody else.
Mrs. Blackitt: What are we dear?
Mr. Blackitt: Danish Christians, and fiercely proud of it.
Mrs. Blackitt: Hm. Well, why do they censor that much?
Mr. Blackitt: Because... so often when they say something that criticizes their own culture, it's against their religion.
Mrs. Blackitt: But it's the same with us, Harry.
Mr. Blackitt: What do you mean?
Mrs. Blackitt: Well, you wanted to write letters to Jyllands-Posten twice where you said bad things about some of our traditions, and you dropped the idea because you said they'd never print it.
Mr. Blackitt: That's not the point. We could do it any time we wanted.
Mrs. Blackitt: Really?
Mr. Blackitt: Oh, yes, and what's more, because we don't believe in all that Moslem claptrap, we have precautions.
Mrs. Blackitt: What, you mean... locks on the doors?
Mr. Blackitt: No, no. I mean, because we are members of the Christian Church, which successfully resisted the Moslem influence in the Middle Ages, and because the Christian Church was eventually dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century by humanist movements, we now have little law paragraphs to prevent the issue.
Mrs. Blackitt: What d'you mean?
Mr. Blackitt: I could, if I wanted, say something of importance, ...
Mrs. Blackitt: Oh, yes, Harry.
Mr. Blackitt: ... and, by making a reference to the law books after my statement had been made, I could ensure... that, when it was heard, you and I would not be persecuted.
Mrs. Blackitt: Ooh!
Mr. Blackitt: That's what being a Danish Christian's all about. That's why it's the Danish culture for me. That's why it's the Danish culture for anyone who respects the individual and the individual's right to decide for him or herself. When science began to prevail over the bunk we proudly hail as our Christian past and humanists found reason to reject that bunkery, they may not have realised the full significance of what they was doing, but some hundred years later, thanks to humanist movements, my dear, I can say whatever I want in my newspaper, ... [sniff] ... and, Danish culture doesn't stop at the simple freedom of speech! Oh, no! I can speak badly of our own nation if I want.
Mrs. Blackitt: You what?
Mr. Blackitt: Speak badly of ourselves. Use sarcasm. Make drawings. Communication that is designed not only to make statements, but also to enhance the subtler facets of debates.
Mrs. Blackitt: Have you got one?
Mr. Blackitt: Have I got one? Uh, well, no, but I can decide to make a statement any time I want and write to Jyllands-Posten and hold my head up high and say in a loud, steady voice, "Jyllands-Posten, I want you to print this letter. In fact, my letter today is a provocative drawing, for I am a Danish citizen."
Mrs. Blackitt: Well, why don't you?
Mr. Blackitt: But they--Well, they cannot, 'cause their culture never made the great leap out of the Middle Ages and the domination of alien imamish supremacy.

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All we need is LOVE LOVE LOVE. Ærgeligt at "Toppen" ikke har set det endnu, meeen det kommer :-)

De sødeste hilsner fra Freja, Helle, Dennis, Felix og Tiger (I tilfældig rækkefølge selvfølgelig)

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